44 Magnum, SWC (hand load) and 5mm round as craftable items. Does not list moonshine, turbo, dog tag fist, powder charge.States that the destroyed party hats found in the REPCONN Test Site are regular party hats.Does not mention the Big Book of Science that can be obtained for completing That Lucky Old Sun in the Followers of the Apocalypse's favor.
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In the ending descriptions, it says that the last independent quest in the Enclave remnants section is called "No Gods, No Monsters" when it is in fact called, " No Gods, No Masters.".During the quest My Kind of Town, the guide states that one needs a Barter skill of 50 to convince Major Knight to assign an additional squad to Primm, but a Barter skill of 20 is needed.When listing the ways to gain Arcade's trust for the quest For Auld Lang Syne, the guide lists the REPCONN Test Site instead of REPCONN headquarters as being one of the locations one must visit.Marks the Fat Man as a unique weapon that can be found in Quarry Junction and on prospectors when it can actually be bought and found in a few other places like at the Gun Runners and at Nellis Air Force Base.

The section is an excerpt from Fallout 3 Official Game Guide regarding AP which was also incorrect. The Action Point description states that firing a pistol costs 10 AP, switching between standing and crouching costs 10 AP, firing a rifle takes 25 AP, and firing a Big Gun takes 75 AP.It is actually given as a reward by Red Lucy in the Thorn, after completing the quest Bleed Me Dry. The guide says that the unique hunting shotgun, Dinner Bell is located at the old nuclear test site.