Following the attendant at the theater into the market area, after he convinces the other tourist to buy the contraband.Following the two children running back to the tracks, and listening to the arguing couple about joining the Army.Listening to a pair of women sitting on a bench opposite of Katja.Watching Mischa show the children animal impressions with shadows.Listening to the two stalkers telling Katja that her husband, a fellow stalker, was killed by a Demon and informing her of his gravesite.Listening to the two patrons at the bar discussing whether or not theater is useful in dark times earns a point.Giving the same beggar another bullet after his speech will also award a moral point. Giving the theater critic/beggar a bullet gets you a point.Straight after this, listening to the couple from Reich talk about their escape.Right after passing through the first door, listening to the families on the traincarts trying to convince the guards to let them into the station.Kill the Nazi hiding in the meat locker.Complete the level without killing any humans.Listen to the whole conversation to get a point. In the room with water turbines there's two Nazis discussing the hanging of Pavel.Enter it to get a point and there will be a supply crate on the left. In the area beyond this, there's an air vent on the far side to the right, next to a guy in a chair. In the next area there's a room filled with bathtubs.Listen to the conversation between two Nazis who are near this circuit. Go up to the area above where there is an electric circuit that turns off lights.Picking up the gun earns another point.Follow the Nazi heading back to the locker room and when he opens his locker, knock out/kill him and pick up the weapon. After the bullying scene, listen to the conversation between two Nazis about a stashed custom weapon.

Do not kill said brutalized soldier who is hiding in the meat locker between the first area and the second.Wait until the brutalized soldier leaves the room to receive the moral point. After Artyom exits the air vent, watch the scene where a Nazi bullies his fellow soldier about mutations.Rain Man: There is no easy tip for this one, on the chapter: Bridge, avoid all the mutants by using stealth and gauge what they are doing before you act.Savior: Take off your mask when Lesnitsky confronts you at the end of Chapter: Contagion.(The Watchman that ambushes you when you find a shotgun doesn't count towards Mouse) Mouse: in the chapter: Echoes, hide with Pavel when he hides and don't engage the roaming Watchmen.By completing all stages of the shooting range will get you said toy as a bonus, simply walk back to the kid with the toy and give it to him.

Listening to their talk will let you know that someone took the kid's toy.